By Chinedu Okoye
No matter how diligently you wash a tiger’s coat, the dots on the big cat’s coat remain unwashed. Such is strong perception of many people about our brother, distinguished Sen. Andy Uba.

But truly anyone who is shocked by the arrest of Senator Uba is probably not familiar with the extent of duplicity the gentleman is capable of.
For some of us who have watched him a bit closely, it is no news to us that Uba is incapable of conducting a life that is devoid of heist, duplicity and gross compromise.
Apart from the belief that he still maintains a secret allegiance to his long time political benefactor in person of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Andy Uba’s bromance with the opposition party across the Southeast and South South regions is a show of desperation that is a hallmark of his brand of politics.
As a serving senator, nothing of note can be pointed to as Mr Andy’s contribution to his Anambra South Constituency. This gross failure and its attendant political irrelevance is, sadly, why Sen Uba is clutching to every political straw he can find in an apparent search for a softlanding.
This is a sad commentary on the Anambra political process on one hand, and a big lesson to every other politician whose hands the people have entrusted their mandates. It must be pointed out to the All Progressives Congress, APC, and indeed every admirer of decent politics that Andy Uba is yet again corrupting the hard won fabrics of our decent and decorous politicking through his alignment with key opposition figures like Governor Wike of Rivers State in which hundreds of millions of public funds have been used to seal unholy deals. And for good conscience sake, these are monies that could change the fortunes of hundreds of hardworking Anabrarians and Riverains. For one thing, there is a sense in the claim that Andy is not a member of the APC – at least in practice. And he lacks the courage to face his crumbling political fortunes with equanimity.
He is but a mole who would rather pitch his tent with the moneybag opposition for personal enrichment. Strength of character is a veritable tool for the kind of politics that will take ndi Anambra to our place of pride. Unfortunately, Andy does not seem to care any bit about all this-important concept. To him, many believe, politics starts and ends with cash.
Moreover, ndi Anambra must not forget that Andy, apart from being a serial blackmailer, has an ungodly reputation of being an unrepentant money launderer. Early on before his foray in politics, he has been caught multiple times in this heist. One of which was in faraway United States of America. The factors that makes him unworthy in leadership is his inability to align his interests with the people’s interests.
Mr Andy’s certificate scam is a major ethical disaster that mocks those who genuinely earn their qualifications. But records are a stubborn thing. Anabrarians and the entire world still believe till this day that he procured the judgment that set him free and prevented him from being jailed. In fact, a close analysis of his person will reveal everything that our politics and indeed politicians should never be.
Mr Andy would not feature in any equation that advances the interest of the progress and overall well-being of Anambra South. This is indeed unfortunate. His current ordeal as a multiple time money launderer is a testament to the need for the APC to consider a more loyal and politically relevant stakeholder for whatever privileged positions he currently holds.
But beyond easing him out and getting on board a more decent and politically formidable hand, there is a bigger picture.
And this is the fact that our Nation is evolving from a Socio-economic and political perversion into a saner and more responsive one in which the likes of Andy Uba must no longer hold sway.
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